Friday, 19 February 2010

England prevails... (50/365)

England prevails... - 19/2/10 (50/365)

Rubbish photos today, so many thanks to David Lloyd for creating such a cool cover instead.


Barbara said...

I don't know who David Lloyd is (which probably makes me a heathen!) but cool cover indeed.

Anonymous said...

V for Vendetta is such an amazing comic/film!

England prevails!

Wanderlust said...

Well this is the second time I've been directed to your blog, once from Barbara's blog and then from your husband's. So I'm sure that means I should sign up to follow, right? I think I need an iPhone. :-)

kerry said...

@Barbara - I wouldn't have known his name unless I had the graphic novel in front of me. I just really like V's mask. Have you seen the film?

@Sarah - it is cool, I saw the film a few years back (along with Children of Men, wasn't conducive to a happy version of the future after watching them both!). I haven't read the comic but I got it out of our library

@kbxmas - welcome! Barbara's nice to me having a link, Dan's obliged to mention me now and again.

If you want to see some really amazing iphone users then you should have a wander on flickr, that's what changed my mind about it. Although I'm looking forward to a better one coming out this year (fingers crossed)