Saturday, 20 March 2010

Erm, what was this for again? (79/365) (2010:11/52)

Erm, what was this for again? 20/3/10 (79/365)

(2010: The year we took photos, week 11 - forgotten)

I am a list maker, as you may have worked out, but I've been known to draw on my hand if there's something I want to remember when I get home. 'cept sometimes it takes me a while to remember the thing I was trying not to forget....


Catherine said...

Richard had "Switch On" written in biro in the exact same place on his left hand, it made me laugh yesterday.

Barbara said...

Remember you're a star?

kerry said...

@Catherine - but 'switch on' what?!

@Barbara - tee hee. Oh yes, that's it!

Catherine said...

Brain? Lights? Security alarm?

Or all of the above?!

kerry said...

@Catherine - at least it didn't say breathe ;)