Sunday, 14 February 2010

I'm sad (45/365) (A52:6/52)

I'm sad - 14/2/10 (45/365) (A52:6/52)

Assignment 52 - week 6, Emotion

You could park on that lip...

I spent most of the week trying to get pictures of the kids being happy. But the problem is they don't sit still when they're happy and my phone can't keep up :)

He's going through a phase where he doesn't like change, however small. For instance he didn't want to leave the house today even though we were going somewhere nice.

Not happy


Barbara said...

Goodness, he is the complete picture of having a bit of a sulk. I hope you managed to cheer him up a bit later!

Insomniac said...

My 3 year old holds a protest everytime we attempt to leave the house at the moment.

Aren't their sulky faces funny (even though the situation sometimes isn't)?


DJ Kirkby said...

I look like that every day when I have to leave for work!

Not From Lapland said...

I find it so hard to keep a straight face when they get all pouty like that.

Dorset Dispatches said...

Oh bless. I wish I could get away with still doing that face. x

Arjan said...

I think this made for a better object anyway. Did Evan bump his head?

Anonymous said...

So I don't have kids, just siblings and I am a teen...
It's not change that's making him unhappy, I bet he was happy when he got there, wasn't he?

It's laziness, moving from the bed/toybox/ceebies to the car seat-
It's honestly hard work! x

Jo Beaufoix said...

OMG I feel a little bad that that pic made me laugh but it did. He's gorgeous in spite of his grumpiness. (Takes after his Dad of course. I can't imagine he'd get that from you. ;D)

kerry said...

@Barbara - yes he picked up quite quickly but I couldn't resist capturing it for my assignment (bad mummy moment)

@insomniac mummy - it can be quite frustrating, particularly as you know he'll be perfectly happy when we get there. And yes, but they don't seem to like you laughing at them much!

@DJ Kirkby - as does Dan!

@Heather - I've laughed at him before but it didn't go down well. It's also quite impressive how far that lip can come out.

@Brit in Bosnia - No one's stopping you but they might not do anything because of it. Boo.

@Arjan - He's fine, he just didn't want to go anywhere so was sad.

@Sarah - Hello! Found me then :) It's true, he is quite lazy and mostly because we enable him

@Jo Beaufoix - hey lady, nice to see you :) You know Dan's going to read that 'he's gorgeous' from that….