Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Oh for *#%!* sake (34/365)

Oh for *#%!* sake - 3/2/10 (34/365)

no battery for most of today. not enough time. can't get the image that I want.



DJ Kirkby said...

An unexpected and appropriate photo.

Arjan said...

don't pull that face on the Hadrian's walk please or we might try and run it.

Not From Lapland said...

awesome colours though!

Barbara said...

Puts me in mind of "The Scream".

kerry said...

@DJ Kirkby - I thought I'd try something different as what I wanted to do wasn't working

@Arjan - "don't make me do the face...."

@Heather - thanks, I just boosted the saturation and messed with the contrast a bit

@Barbara - yes, I can see why. It was a silent scream as it was about 11.30 at night!

Idaho Dad said...

That's the face I make at my kids after the fifth time I have to tell them to clean up their rooms!

kerry said...

@Idaho Dad - yup. Been there!

Jo Beaufoix said...

Snort, I can almost see the steam coming out of your ears. :D

kerry said...

@Jo - hee hee hee. In reality I'm so much more chilled this year than last. Thank goodness. Still have my moments though!